Monday, August 27, 2007

Let's Talk About Business Gifts and Your Vacation Rental

Did you know that IRS Form 463, page 13 states “If you give gifts in the course of your trade or business, you can deduct all or part of the cost.”?

Of course, that’s later qualified with a $25 limit to any one person, but the fact is, in most cases, giving a small gift to your customer (your vacation home renter) is deductible on your taxes. And the number of gifts per year is unlimited!

Gift giving allows a more personal bond to form between your client/customer/renter and you. It indicates that you were thinking about the comfort, well being, or security of your guest, and is likely to be thoughtfully returned in the form of repeat business and recommendations.

Of course, as with any tax advice, be sure to consult your personal tax preparer for specifics…then start giving!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Top 3 Things You Should Know About First Impressions

First impressions are made within 3 seconds. When adapted to the vacation home rental market, we have to revise this a little, as separate impressions are likely to be made based on curb appeal, and then later on the big flourish open of the door (oh come on, you know you’ve done it!) When your clients step into their vacation rental, those first three seconds will be irreversible.

You can manipulate a first impression. Using common knowledge about how and where first impressions are made, you can prepare for the first three seconds. Take on your client’s viewpoint. Open that front door and see where your eyes rest. Take a deep breath. How could these things be improved? Are your guests greeted with an empty foyer, lacking warmth and welcome? Perhaps you could add a candle, gift basket, or beautiful painting.

First impressions are shared
. When reporting on an experience, an evaluator will think back from the beginning. This means that, when your guests first share details of your rental with others, they’re going to use the first impression as a reference point. Make it a good one.